Software & IT
Ane Indahl Mæhlum

Arne Martin Salt Myklebust
Operations Manager & Integration Designer
Harald Aglen Hanslien
Integration Designer

Jimmy Chan
Junior Developer

Jonas Drabløs
Lead Architect

Pål Morten Gregersen
Master Consultant

Patrik Lindholm
Senior developer

Per Ove Steinsland
Master consultant

Rolf Terje Karlsen
Nordic Chief Technical Officer

Shivan Malek
Senior developer

Sissel Naalsund
Senior Consultant

Vigdis Monsen
Senior Manager

Viggo Chavine
Senior developer
Om Amesto TechHouse AS
Amesto TechHouse was established in 2002 and is a part of Amesto Group, which is a family-owned company with more than 1,000 employees in the Nordic region. Spabo Group is the parent company of Amesto Group AS and Spabo AS. The group has a long-term perspective, and the owners are active and visible in the daily operations. We specialize in business solutions and insight. We are located throughout Scandinavia.
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