What makes you YOU?
In this videocast Chris Hovde from Telia and I talk AND bark🐶🔊 about what has shaped us into being corporate rebels and free-range humans, our passion to create workplaces where we can show up and thrive as a whole person. Workplaces that are inclusive and supportive of people at all stages of their lives.
We also talk about bringing meaning and purpose to work. In the constant quest to perform and achieve, we need to be reminded of the deeper apects oflife. We make reference to two truly inspiring books that hvae shaped me, what I bring to Amesto and my leadership:
⭐ Top 5 Regrets of the Dying - Bronnie Ware's inspirational memoir recounts her journey as a palliative care worker, a time during which her end-of-life patients confided their deepest regrets with her.
💭 I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
💭 I wish I'd had the courage to express my feeling
💭 I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
💭 I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
💭 I wish that I had let myself be happier.
⭐ A Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frank: In the concentration camps, a human being was reduced to a number. Viktor Frankl was number 119,104. Upon arrival at his first camp, he estimates that about 90% of his transport was killed in the first few hours. Yet, he was still able to find meaning.
No matter the circumstance, you always have the last of the human freedoms: to choose your attitude.🧠
Food for thought: Personal history and key trigger events play a crucial role in shaping qualities and behavior we bring to the workplace. Tolerance for ambiguity, the ability to empower or micromanage, the way you respond to pressure, the way you build relationships with colleagues and clients. How do you believe we can create an environment of safety, acceptance, and valuing the entirety of the person?
I hope you take the time to listen and find the episode inspiring. My dog, Amilo even joined the talk 🐶🔊https://open.spotify.com/episode/3yQgRScCuzZGYrEO3A7M7D?si=vtyHQbJHSViff6iXA37hKg
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